My slab is dry how can I re-wet it?

My slab is dry how can I re-wet it?

Mistakes happen and sometimes the slab can dry out with insufficient water especially the top of the slab.

To re-wet the slab it is best to use small and frequent waterings. This will help keep the water you apply in the slab and at the top. Large dose will push the water to the bottom of the slab and quicker to the drain point.

So it is important to use a dose size factor of 20 or lower if possible within the limitations of your system. (How do I calculate the Dose Size?)

It is also important that you apply more water than the plant is using, so watering at night or before plant activity in the morning is a good time for this but take care of the Delta EC to avoid problems with fruit splitting (tomatoes) etc. (Delta EC - What is it?)